The Legends Of Fabled Realms is a tabletop skirmish game set in the fantasy world of The Fabled Realms
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Its Alive
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Oct 03, 2020 at 08:24:22 AM
LoFR... it’s alive!
Hello this is Big Ben here from Tymeagain Ltd. (aka 4Ground Publishing, aka 4G) along with Adrian from T.Gunn Miniatures (T.G) making a joint brief update, we truly wish it could have been sooner, but here it is.
After so many months, the legal uncertainty is over 4G, as the legal owner of the intellectual property (IP) of The Legends of Fabled Realms (LoFR) are able to retain or disperse of LoFR as they so wish.
Today the redrafted Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between 4G and T.G has been signed off. T.G now owns 50% of LoFR and as such will be the manufacturing half of the team. All future manufacturing will be undertaken by T.G. 4G retain 50% of the IP and as such will still retain an active pro-part in the future development and support of LoFR.
That’s about it from me at this point so here is Adrain.
Hello my name is Adrian and today is my first day with Legends of Fabled Realms.
As I see it my first task is to thank Ben and Cad from Tymeagain Ltd. for keeping this project alive, understandable many of you thought the Legends of Fabled Realms was dead. Well it is very much alive. My second task is to get you those fantastic miniatures. My third task get you the rules, dice and card decks. My fourth task, continue as was planed.
So I’m keeping track of how quickly I can get you those miniatures, please keep track with me. After all actions, as they say, speak loader than words.
I am not asking for faith or understanding, I’m saying T.Gunn miniatures are very able to produce and deliver these miniatures. We look forwards to you having our products in your own hands, then you will understand why we wanted to get involved with this project. Why we wanted so many war gamers to see just what sort of quality we produce.
Back to Ben
T.G is owned by the same people who own Thomas Gunn, they pride themselves on delivering to a global collector community, month in month out, some of the very best pre-painted miniatures in 1:30 to 1:32 scale. Over the last ten years Thomas Gunn has become recognised as a global leading manufacturer of such miniatures. They have known of this project way before any of you did (they were my personal first choice as manufacturers).
Thanks for keeping the faith, now I’m taking the next week off.
We are back!
about 5 years ago
– Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 10:23:11 PM
Hello again to all!
We hope you have had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year! We've had a good rest and festivities a plenty but now were back on and busy. So today's short update is on some of the questions that you asked us on our last couple updates that may not have been answered.
The First question we are going to address was how you were going to receive your minis. If they were going to be 3D Printed, Resin or both and if they were going to be fully assembled?
In answer you will be receiving resin (non 3D-printed) miniatures and they will be un-assembled. Our 3D-printed variants will be available in the future separately as a product at an increased cost due to the issues with production.
The next question would be what happens to those who paid for the resin upgrade?
We will be offering credit notes to people who upgraded to be used on our website, we are aiming to get these credit notes out to those who upgraded before the end of this month.
Another question was if we are going to make our STL files for the miniatures available for use?
We won’t be making our STL files available for purchase or use.
We have been asked on the rules, dice, cards etc and when they may be ready including other things such as possible Multiplayer rules and scenarios.
For that we will create a separate update for covering that portion of the Kickstarter in the future with whats happening but rest assured we are working on those aspects also.
Also we were asked on the condition of Big Ben's beard and how he has gone “feral”. In response we can only say…
We will be posting again soon once we have more information on the situation and when we get a few more inches of progress! We are so very happy to have such a strong community staying loyal and offering so much support, a serious thank you to all.
Very Kind Regards,
Robbie Clarkson
Communications Manager
Tymeagain Ltd
The next step in moving forwards!
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 12:58:20 AM
Hi it’s Robbie again and todays short update is on what we think is yet more exciting news!
With issues regarding being able to produce the remaining 3D prints for this project in a timely manner, now that we finally have the go ahead to restart the project, Tymeagain Ltd. has decided that we would like a third party to produce, as close as is possible (all resin miniatures no plastics) what was originally offered on KS. Negotiations between Big Ben (AKA Biggus Bennus) from Tymeagain/4Ground and Blake from Thomas Gunn Miniatures (, regarding the Legends of Fabled Realms (LoRF) miniatures game have been ongoing for quite some time and recently we have had some results!
The upshot of this has been that as of the 6th January 2020 Blake will be taking on the reins on all manufacture of LoFR. This Project will of course receive full engagement from our team at 4Ground. Yes this is manufacture in Asia but these are Blake’s own manufacture facilities that will be doing the work. Thomas Gunn Miniatures are among global market leaders within the collectible toy soldier hobby. Over more than a decade they have attained a high reputation for the high quality of their manufacturing processes.
At Tymeagain we have not taken this decision lightly but what really made this option the ideal choice for this project is that Blake really wants to get on with the next phase regarding the future development of LoFR. He has said “As an original backer I am delighted to now head up manufacturing of this project. I now know a lot more about the direction that this game and future campaigns should take”. Big Ben went on to say “I am keen to progress with the Horse Lords of Whitewin Fell against the massive lumbering Troggkin invaders and what’s great is Blake believes this expansion will follow on within weeks of the release of this game to retail”.
There are many reasons why we are heading in this direction and I will be delving into that in further detail on my next update which will be some when around the 3rd Jan 2020. Blake’s commitment that all backers will get what they backed before retail gets any product is good news for all games and shows he has the backers in mind when taking over this project.
Thank you all for being with us. This is a very good step in the right direction for LoFR and we hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we will be back again in the New Year!
Just a minor update.
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 03:37:07 PM
Hi guys,
It’s Robbie again and today we have a very small update which is that we will be getting a much more in-depth update to you soon (hopefully next week) regarding LoFR with where we are currently and how we are moving forwards, it’s really exciting news and I can’t wait to let you all know.
The main purpose of this update is to keep you all in the loop on what’s going on, more info is coming soon!
Kind Regards,
Getting back in touch!
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Dec 06, 2019 at 07:43:13 PM
Dear backers of LoFR
My name is Robbie and I am the new ‘Official’ communication manager at Tymeagain Ltd. I have been doing this job for the last few months, but with the legal ramifications surrounding LoFR I have been unable to communicate anything of substance until now. This inability to communicate something of worth was addressed in Ben’s last update but I believe it is particularly important to remind some of our backers who (and very understandably) have been upset due to our being unable to communicate for legal reasons.
It is my intention to give smaller updates, but much more frequently. I think it is best that we look at bite sized updates and today I want to talk about one of the most important issues regarding claims and Kirks.
David Kirks are the Licenced insolvency practitioners who have been appointed for 4Ground Ltd. The member of their team who has been liaising with us has been able to offer some direction, which in many ways is fantastic news. The exciting part is that they are now content for us at Tymeagain Ltd. to restart production of this project.
Kirks simply say that each backer should consider themselves as either a person who made a pre-order purchase (not a pledge), or as a person who made a pledge (not a pre-order purchase) whom need make no communication with them. Those that believe they made a pre-order purchase for LoFR need to lodge a claim that they did not receive a part thereof from what they pre-ordered (please note, all items that were able to be made in-house by 4Ground Ltd. were dispatched very, very quickly, within months of the end of the backing period), you should only make a claim for the stated value of those purchased items you did not receive.
One last thing regarding this issue, if you have already lodged a claim with Kirks, you can withdraw your claim due to extenuating circumstances (legally we cannot say more as yet). In all such cases Kirks favourably consider you were given very bad, unsolicited, incorrect advice, from someone who purported to be a ‘banking professional, insolvency expert’. Great news for all of you who believed the non-truths propagated by an individual who had every intention to profit by way of the issues they manipulated.
Now moving forward, being legally able to restart production (this will be from 6thJan 2020) is very exciting for us. As I say, I will be communicating more often so with that let me say you will hear from me again within the next seven days. The next update will be short and to the point, it will cover where we are currently and where we are going.
T’is I, BIGGUS BENNUS just wanted to say, while leaving our communications with you as a group in Robbie’s safe hands, my email is still[email protected]! Some of you have communicated with me asking for clarification, many, many of you have offered nothing more than hope and warm fellowship towards us (to date those that have claimed are still numbered below double digits as a group) thank you so much. You guys in our community as a whole are folks I want so much to deliver for. Almost all of you have stuck out with Cad and I through this and believe me there are truths which one day we can tell that are stranger than some of the fiction about this already out there. At its basic level we are a father and son gaming team who really appreciate every one of you and that although this has been one hell of a journey we can’t wait to get this done and into your hands, By The Eight!.
Kind Regards,
Ben Cresswell-Jeal
Owner Tymeagian Ltd.